September 21, 2004
My college friends and I get together at least once a year for a Notre Dame home game, and over time we've become pretty good at tailgating. Our most recent addition to our tailgates is a bean-bag toss game called Cornhole, which is similar in play to horseshoes. Basically, players try to toss bean bags onto a board with a hole cut into it. Bags that land in the hole score 3 points, bags on the board score 1 point. In spite of the terrible name and simple premise, Cornhole is oddly addictive. So in preparation for the ND vs. Navy game we'll be tailgating at next month, my friend Bill, my brother and I got together this past weekend and made our own set.
Overall, it turned out pretty well. I should warn you, that unless you're interested in building your own set, the rest of this will be pretty boring. You might want to just play the flash game instead.
We followed the instructions found here, along with a few improvements suggested by our friend Greg. Luckily for us, Home Depot sold precut pieces of plywood in the size we needed (2ft x 4ft). To make life even easier for us, we had them make the cuts for the 2x4s, as well (except for the legs, but more to come on that later).
The frame assembly went pretty quick, but things slowed down once we hit the legs, and the scoring hole.
We ended up cutting the scoring hole just using a jig saw after making the circle with a compass. We originally hoping to use a hole saw drill attachment, since that makes perfectly circular holes, but that would have cost $40 just to make two holes. Also, Brian made a pretty nice cut on a test piece of wood using the jigsaw, so we gave him the job. Turned out great. Thanks, Bri.
As for the legs, the design called for fixed-but-detachable legs. Greg had modified his set by making folding legs instead. We opted for that route. By putting each of the frames on a table, and lifting one end to the proper height, we were able to hold the wood for the leg in place, and then scribe the angle against the side of the table. Then we cut the wood along the scribe line to make one leg. To make the other leg, we simply placed our new leg back on top of the wood we just cut it from, and cut again. Since the angle was the same, just reversed, that gave us two identical legs from only one angle cut and one straight cut.

At the top of the leg we traced a semicircle to cut off, so the leg could fold up once it was in place. At the center of the semicircle, we drilled a ¼" hole for the bolt. Then, using a circular saw, I cut out the semicircle. The original plan was to use the jigsaw again, but the blade bent on my first attempt. The circular saw didn't make a very pretty cut, but it worked. And as a plus, due to the "angularness" of the circular saw cuts, the legs now "lock" into place (although not uniformly) when folded up or down. I'm sure that will fade as the friction wears down the angles, but for now it's a cool unexpected feature.

Next comes painting, and the bags. Here's the design we're going with for the painting:

We'll most likely get the bags off ebay, but I'm toying with the idea of making them.
I'll post any further updates here. I bet you can't wait.
Update: 09/27/2004
I was debating whether to just buy the bags online (about $25 for a good set, plus shipping), or try to make them myself. We were already over budget with the game boards, so I was leaning toward making them. So while Amy was searching for yarn for her next knitting project (we're a crafty couple, apparently) at JoAnn's crafts, I went searching for "Duck Cloth," which is supposedly the best material for this game. From what I've read, it can take a beating. Unbelievably, they had it, and in the colors we were looking for (blue and gold), no less. I took it as a sign, so I got some.
It came in 60"-long strips, so I got 14" wide bolts of each color, since that would give me enough for 12 7"x7" squares (4 bags, two spares) of each color, with some material left over. I also picked up 12 lbs. of popcorn, since each bag will be a pound (roughly 2 ¼ cups).
After a quick sewing lesson from my mother, I was off. It was like I was a villager from Santo Poco. I sewed like the wind, doing three-and-a-half sides of each bag. I triple stiched each bag for strength, and put even more stitching at each corner and at the ends, by alternating the machine between forward and reverse. Here's the finished product. Note how crooked the seams are. That's for, uh, strength.
Next, I turned the bag inside out, which was a bit tricky, considering how stiff the fabric is. Then, I filled it with popcorn. I still haven't figured out how to close it yet, so for now I just safety-pinned the whole thing together.
Between the measuring, cutting, and sewing, the whole operation was taking hours, so I stopped after sewing all the blue bags. Next, I'll do yellow, and try to close the things up somehow.
A few days later
I managed to sew the bag closed by hand by using a backstitch (look! I learned a sewing term) on the inside "flaps" of material. Then I reinforced that with two rows of "normal" stitches. If you keep everything tight, the stitches will be hidden when finished, which is important to prevent snagging.
Update: 04/2006
Sadly, my homemade set couldn't hold up to the demands of our incredible skills, and they all eventually burst open in corn-tastic explosions. So I got a new set from, and it's been smooth sailing ever since.
Update: 10/11/2004
Bill and Casey came by to help paint the cornhole set on Saturday, and we got even more done than I thought we would. The set is basically complete now.
Using an ND logo off the Internet, we created a stencil (well, the outside of it, anyway), and taped it to the painted surface. We completed the inside of the stencil by using Amy's brilliant suggestion of transferring the cutouts from the stencil to painter's tape. We used lip balm to keep the inner border of the outer stencil against the wood. Then with a quick spray of gold paint, we had our logo.
Unfortunately, either the lip balm didn't work, or we didn't use enough, because the edges came out a bit blurry. Also, we didn't use enough tape on the newspaper (not pictured) that we used around the stencil, so gold paint got between the layers of paper and ended up on the board. So Bill and Casey, being crazy, painted over the fuzzy sections of the logo with the blue paint, using Q-tips. They really did an awesome job.
With the second board, we were much more detailed in our taping and sealing of newspaper seams.
And that one came out great on the first try.
Next, we applied the stripes by lining up seven rows of tape, and then peeling up every other one, thereby assuring three straight rows of even width. After laying down more newspaper and appying another spritz of paint, we were done.
I think they turned out great.
We have a few bells and whistles we'd still like to add (handle, drink holders, etc) , but I'm not sure we'll get around to that in time. If we do, I'll post another update.
Here are some tools I found helpful in making this project. I get a bit of cash if anyone actually uses these links, so if you think you might pick any of these items up, perhaps you can help me out along the way?
Hey, since Cornhole and tailgating go together like Mac & Cheese, why not check out the Tailgate T-Shirts I made while you're here?
I am going to build a set, so I got on the crazy 'ol internet to see what I could find. And I find Kevin Cooney giving me instructions on how to build a cornhole board. Crazy man! Thanks for the tips.
Take it easy
Rob Kelly
I am making a cornhole set this summer, thanks for the helpful information!!!
Posted by: Monica at June 13, 2005 01:43 PMYOur Right... I played Cornhole at a graduation party and have become addicted to it and am now building my own set.. Nice Directions... Ill be sure to use them.. Josh
Posted by: Josh at June 19, 2005 12:07 AMAfter buying a Set of HorseShoes, I rememberd this game. So I got to thinking, it couldn't to hard to build one of my own. After 10 minutes of searching the internet, I Found this site with all the demensions, and set off on my journey to Home Depot,
Bought the wood I needed and set back home. after an hour of Measuring and Cutting my Game Boards were set. the only problem I had was Cutting a Perfect Circle. one board is a little wide. Now I just Need to Make the bags :)
I played this at a family reunion this past weekend, and got hooked! I searched the 'net for about 5 minutes and found this page; what a set of directions! I look forward to making my own set, with many thanks to Kevin. You rock!
Posted by: Loren at July 17, 2005 08:32 PMi made one and to finish the bean bag u fold the end about a quarter inch and the u sew that together
Posted by: eric at July 18, 2005 01:15 AMPlayed this game at a church party, got hooked,now want to build my own set. Thanks alot.
Posted by: Ray Miller at August 8, 2005 07:52 PMI have become addicted to cornhole in Alaska and wow, what a great game at a ND tailgater. I am from ND as well, will look for you at a game this year 2005 with your cool cornhole set.... thanks for the instructions. melinda
Posted by: Melinda Tierney at August 18, 2005 11:39 PMHey Kevin,
Aren't you supposed to use "Feed" corn, not popcorn?
Where can I get that? I'm just making the bags, my husband made the board. He told me to make the bags out of denim. They work best, and don't slide so much. I've found a couple of old jeans around my house of 3 boys and am cutting them up.
Posted by: Ann at August 28, 2005 09:22 AMAnn,
Yes, I've heard feed corn is preferrable. However, since I live in the New York suburbs, popcorn is a lot easier to come by. Besides, most places that sold feed corn I found on the net sold them in 50-pound bags. That's a lot of corn.
I think denim would probably work okay (and I admire your do-it-yourself approach), but I'm a duck cloth fan. It doesn't seem to wear at all, which is more than I can say for the knees on my jeans. I found it pretty easily at the fabric store, and it was reasonably priced. Also, have you thought about how you'd color the bags if you're making them from jeans? You'll need to tell them apart so you can keep score. Dye would probably work, but that seems like a lot of work to me.
As for the sliding factor, I think sliding is an integral part of the game. It's really satisfying to land a bag at the bottom of the board and have it slid up and in. Too much slide would be obviously be a problem, though, so I guess the trick is to find a happy medium. For that reason, we didn't put anything over the paint on the board, for fear that a clear coat would make it too slick.
If I had to do it all again (and I probably will), I'd just buy the bags off eBay. Sure, I saved $10 by making them myself, but when I was at a tailgate and my homemade bag split open, I was kicking yourself.
Good luck!
Posted by: Kevin at August 29, 2005 12:24 PMHey can anybody email me at to let me know some tips on cornhole and how to become a better player and how to get cornhole alot?
Tough game guys, tough game
Posted by: USC Fan at October 15, 2005 10:39 PMI was actually thinking about making a Notre Dame cornhole set for my dad for this xmas coming up. Your idea seems great. One question, do the boards bounce up at all when the bags hit the board?? I ask because I've seen the kind of board you have with just the legs and the board ( some bounce) and then the heavy duty ones with the sides on it too.(no bounce but bulky as hell) Anyways, thanks for the help. Me and 11 others in my family will also be at that Navy game in South Bend.... Go Irish!!!!
Posted by: Chris Mac at October 16, 2005 12:49 AMIf you use 1/2 inch plywood, it won't bounce too much and it is still light enough to lug around for tailgating. Make sure to use 2x4's for the framing as well.
Nice instructions. Best set I've found.
I'll be at the Tennessee game this year, and my neigbor will be at the Stanford game. We may also have an ND cornhole game set up thanks to these instructions!
Posted by: James at October 24, 2005 04:59 PMThanks for the help.... I now have it built and have the plans to paint it. What is the proper way to paint them. I've seen some say semi-gloss, other gloss. Then some said to use primer and some said not to. Hope you can help. -Chris
Posted by: Chris Mac at November 3, 2005 07:54 AMHey Chris,
First off, thanks for visiting the site. Glad you found the Cornhole page useful. As for the paint, we used a primer followed by a couple coats of semi-gloss paint. I don't know if this is "official" procedure, but I think the set works great. There's a good amount of slide when the bags hit the board, but not so much to send them skipping off the back.
Good luck!
Wow Kevin, I had no idea that you were such an online cornhole celebrity. Thanks for the shout-out in your instructions. I doubt that you can get your set through airport security, so I guess we'll just have to settle for mine. Can't wait for the game next week.
Posted by: Greg at November 6, 2005 02:29 PMHey guys,
Thanks alot for the help in building my boards. Here's my buddy (artist) finshing up the paint job. We did this in about a week so that I could give it to my dad before the game this weekend against Navy. Thanks again for the help.
I am building a set and do you remember the angle cut for the legs. I have everything done but that. I have heard that it is a 13 degree cut. Also on the instructions that I have found they said that the surface was to be 12 inches off the ground and another says its 13.5 inches. So when I cut the lumber for my legs they said to use a 12 inch piece of 2x4. Which one is correct? This game is very addicting and makes for some great tailgaiting. Thanks for your help.
Posted by: David at November 16, 2005 10:26 AMDavid, we never measured the angle for the cut. Our leg differs from the plans I link to in that our legs are perpendicular to the board, not the ground. To do this (and to avoid measuring the angle), we lifted the board up to the proper height (13.5") on our workbench, and then rested the back of the frame on a box so it stayed at that height. We shifted it over so the long edge overhung the edge of the workbench by about four inches, and inserted the uncut 2x4 for the leg into the inside corner underneath the board, so that it was flush with the underside and the frame. Then we scribed the leg 2x4 against the side of the table, and then cut the 2x4 along this scribe line. No angle measurements necessary.
I'll see if I can put up some diagrams to explain this method.
As an alternative, you could probably also just use 90-degree cuts for the leg and avoid angles entirely. If you use more than one screw/bolt, the leg does not have to be flush with the underside of the board.
To answer your other question, I'm not sure if 13.5" inches is the "official" height, but that's what we went with.
Posted by: Kevin at November 16, 2005 10:41 AMGreat directions found them usefull, but how big is the hole supose to be?
thanks ty
Posted by: ty at April 2, 2006 12:51 PMNavy & Gold bags on the way. I like your site. Got a chuckle out of the do-it-yourself project. Would of like to have seen the pictures. Good Luck. Have fun.
Posted by: Cornhole_Bags at April 3, 2006 11:18 PMGreat instructions. You should check out the Cornhole Party website at
We are working on making it the number one resource for cornhole. We would love for anyone to stop by and contribute info to the site. Look Forward to seeing everyone.
Thank you so much for the helpful hints.. me and my boyfriend are making a set... just one question, where can i find some "duck cloth" ??? lol hope to hear from ya soon!
Posted by: becky at May 4, 2006 10:22 PMI was thinking... That set would be a lot cooler if it had a block O on it, seeing that they actually won the Fiesta Bowl. Go Bucks!
Posted by: John at May 9, 2006 10:39 PMHey guys! My husband LOVES this game! He got hooked when we visited friends in Chicago. I'm going to use your instructions to build him a set for father's day! I think he'll love it!! Thanks for the instructions! wish me luck... :)
Posted by: Beth at May 16, 2006 03:13 PMGreat resource, I have dimensions located on my site as well!
Posted by: Dave at May 18, 2006 12:13 AMGreat site! Thanks for the help and all of the free advice. I'm looking forward to the challenge of creating my own corhole game but with ND versus The Ohio State University boards. Go Bucks!!!
Posted by: Scott at June 3, 2006 11:29 AMI just made my own set using your instructions this weekend. I only made a slight variation. Instead of nailing the 2x4's together we used the drywall screws, worked much better and looked neater in the end, if I would have had more time I would have puttyed over all of the screw holes on the support piece like I did for the top. Now I just have to paint it and make the bags.... should be ready for some summer fun soon! Thanks for the help
Posted by: Mary at June 6, 2006 11:06 AMGreat instructions! Cornhole is HUGE in Kentucky! My husband wants to make some boards and these directions will be perfect. I see most women are going to try to build the boards for a gift. My gift is the directions!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Heather at June 7, 2006 10:35 PMI became addicted to cornhole while tailgating at Notre Dame games. I decided to build my own set and decided to search for plans on the internet. I found the same plans as Kevin. It was great to find his suggestions using the plans!! I hope my set turns out as great as the set here!! Thanks guys!!
Richmond, KY
Thinking about making my own set, this is killer! I'll post some photos if it doesn't go horribly wrong, thanks!
Posted by: Jon Culver at June 12, 2006 06:31 PMI built a set last summer and took them to a family reunion in VA. they love it so much now I am building a set to leave at my cousins cabin where we have the reunion each year. Here are some tips that worked for me. like Kevin I bought pre-cut 2 x 4 foot 1/2 inch plywood. easier to transport in a small car and no cutting except for the hole. Instead of 2 x 4's I used 2x3's for the
frame. (lighter and lower profile for storage) I find it is just a sturdy as the boards I have seen with 2x4's. I used the same 2x3 stock for the folding legs as well. I used a bolt and sucured the legs with tumb type of nuts. (just lossen to let down, and tighten to lock into place) for a few bucks (30 to 40 bucks) I found a local sign shop that has the computer software and vinyl cutting machines. they can make any logo or design you want and apply them on your painted or stained boards. My boards are now in the sign shop getting a custom Bengals design, the ones I am going to make for the lake cabin will have a custom design with a bass (hole opening into bass mouth) with name of lake.
Portsmouth, Ohio
Posted by: Chip at June 21, 2006 10:00 AMMe and my girlfriend played it for the 1st time at a graduation party at here grandparents was great we loved it!! Now were going to build our own, with your Instructions
Posted by: Trent at June 21, 2006 11:50 AMGreat job on the boards!! I found your description while struggling with the leg design. You gave me a great idea. I think I'm also going to add a thin cross brace between the legs for a little support. But I'll also use one of those window latches on the leg and on the bottom of the board, so when the legs fold under, you can latch them up against the board bottom so they don't unfold when you don't want them to. Handles are also a must. Again, great job on the boards, and thanks for the help.
Posted by: Matt at July 8, 2006 09:00 AMI don't see any diminsions on how long the legs are, could you please help?
Rachel 7/8/06
Posted by: Rachel at July 8, 2006 05:26 PMI had found this page on - The Tossing Camping Games Forum.
Posted by: Tricia at July 9, 2006 08:48 PMI have more of a question than a comment. I have played pretty sophisticated versions of this game and have noticed that the board face is or has a slick face/front. When you toss a bag too hard they tend to shoot off. This makes the game a little more difficult and you need to use more technique to play. I was wondering if your board was relatively slick after paint?
Posted by: Phil at July 13, 2006 04:20 PMKevin- Thanks for the great instructions. Also I learned a lot on how to make it by reading other people's questions and how you answered them. I made my own set two weeks ago and already have people asking me to make them sets. My sets are Michigan State and Central Michigan colors for the two schools I attended. Best site for instructions on the net!! -Chad, Michigan Cornhole Fan
Posted by: Chad at July 18, 2006 09:39 AMI have made cornhole sets for a friend of mine and one set for myself and I was wanting to know what kind of sewing machine/stitch you all have used for your bags so they do not rip. Also, the size of the bag seems to be small, I have played on a set where the bag was really loose, and it seemed like they were not that full. What do you all reccomend? Thanks for your time.
Posted by: David Martin at August 7, 2006 10:04 PMGreat Site. I've made a few sets now, for they make a great gift.
Posted by: Tom at August 10, 2006 09:51 AMNice write up! I especially like the paint job...very nice. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but regulation cornhole bags are 6"x6" not 7"x7". But as long as your not going to participate in any American Cornhole Association(yes, there is such a thing) tournaments, who cares, right? Here's a link to the ACA. Thanks.
Thanks so much for your post and the directions. My son and I are headed out now for the materials. We played the game for the first time last night and fell in love with. We haven't decided on the color scheme yet, but will probably settle for something patriotic like the Cincinnati Bengals! LOL Again THANKS!
Posted by: Brian at August 26, 2006 03:19 PMGreat Directions! Easy to follow, even for a right brained artist type!!
One of my chick friends wanted to buy the game and found it to be 100 dollars, We were at a picnic and I took one look at the boards and said, Holy crap, that's simple, I can whip that up in an afternoon! I found that the angle for the legs is about 10 or 11 degrees on a miter saw. They are almost done now and I already have to make another set as a birthday gift. Oh here's a tip for getting paint for a deal, go to the paint store and ask to see their miss-tints. Nuthin' wrong with the paint except it didn't match someone else's project, you can get a quart for a buck or two..
Thanks for the directions, saved me lots of time trying to measure and figure it out!
Just call me. Thrifty Cyndi
thanks for your directions i love the paint job since I was looking for directions to make cornhole for my son, a ND student.
your looks great
Posted by: Steve at December 25, 2006 10:00 PMI love the look of your painting on your boards. What type of paint did you use? Did you apply another clear gloss also? I'd appreciate any details you can give me. Thanks very much.
Posted by: dave fletcher at December 31, 2006 01:55 PMim tring to learn how to sow and can not find how to close the bag in the end after you fill it up
Posted by: kurt mingus at January 8, 2007 09:21 AMHeya, I'm the one you ended up buying bags from :) Nice cornhole board plans. I guess the bags worked out great. Take Care.
Check out
KEVIN COONEY! I can't believe I stumbled upon your blog! I did a search for instructions on how to build a cornhole game board on Google and your blog came up first. So glad to have found you and Amy and thanks for the detailed instructions!
Tell that wifey of yours to call me dang it!
Hey Kevin
What do you think about building an extreme version of cornhole!!! Maybe would feature 2 stage decks with multiple holes. Just a thought. What do you think?
hello everyone! when making your own bags you need to start with a 12x12 pc off duck cloth and sew so it ends up 6x6. Not sure how that happens, lol, however those were the instructions I saw. I bought my first set off the internet, $18.95 for a set of 8 however, $9 for shipping sucked.......still they are done and I'm ready to play once I get my board done. Still trying to figure out the legs, what length you start with on them before you start cutting them up! And then i'm ready to prime and paint!!! Remember you need to use a HIGH GLOSS Latex paint!! good luck and have fun!!!!!
Posted by: Robyn at August 3, 2007 07:17 PMhi again.........maybe that is wrong a 12x12 pc of duck cloth seems too big........anyway it's to end up a 6x6 after you sew it.....
sorry about that!
Posted by: Robyn at August 3, 2007 07:35 PMThanks for the great advice! Your site helped me make some great cornhole tables. also has a lot of good tips.
Posted by: Kman at August 16, 2007 12:04 AMAfter reading the last few comments, I'm confused.
Robyn, how large of a piece of duck cloth do I need?
Btw Kman, thanks for the tip on the site. Nice step-by-step pics.
Posted by: Q at August 19, 2007 11:30 PMOne 12x12 piece of fabric will give you four 6x6 pieces when you cut it like this [+]. That will make two bags.
Posted by: Sus at August 29, 2007 04:41 PMHey all, I make bags, I can make pretty much any color, they are made out of duck cloth, and made with feed corn, I make them very sturdy. If anyone is interested, let me know, I can ship them. 20 per set of 8 plus shipping
sorry I put in the wrong email, I am
Hey, Does anyone know if I should get some lacquer for my boards after they have been painted? We played for the first time, and the bags aren't sliding the way they usually do. I don't, however, want the bags to slide off like crazy. ANY IDEAS? or should I just leave the boards the way they are?
Posted by: Kevin at September 2, 2007 12:29 AMThe boards are not as slick as I would like them. I put a coat of primer and then put acrylic paint. Any ideas.
Posted by: Laura Jarrett at September 13, 2007 08:16 AMWe sprinkle powder on the tops so the bags will slide. Works great. you don't need much. reapply as needed.
Posted by: Martha at September 26, 2007 09:00 AMI wanted to say your website was great! I am working on a set for my husband. His team is UCLA so naturally it is UCLA. It should be ready by their next home game Oct. 6th against N.D. I think it came out pretty good. Will try to send you an email of it.
Thanks again
Posted by: JERRY WRIGHT at October 11, 2007 04:40 PMHe gets his bags at
Posted by: Steve at October 28, 2007 07:59 PMFind Cornhole Game Supplies at
Posted by: jp at February 7, 2008 12:52 PMExcellent cornhole bags available (including Notre Dame).
Easy you moron. there is a half inch seam allowance on all sides.
Posted by: JuJu at May 8, 2008 12:35 PMYou can get a great set of Cornhole Board Plans FREE at This eBook is complete with fully illustrated photos, tool list, supply list and more.
Posted by: Steve at May 11, 2008 12:27 PMDoes anyone use bean for there bags?? Where do you get the corn in such small quantity??
Posted by: Bridget at May 27, 2008 11:44 AMNeed to use feed corn because as they break down, the powder produced through the bag adds to the slide.
Posted by: Ed at May 27, 2008 12:36 PMWe just made a set of our own. Thanks for your instructions! I used Duck/Canvas cloth for the bags and used a really tight zig-zag stitch (no space between the zig-zags.) We played for hours last night, and the bags held up really well! I reinforced the corners by going over them twice. While buying the corn, the clerk asked if we could build her a set too! This could turn into a business! Great instructions, easy to follow!
Thanks again
Glad to see the word on cornhole is spreading!
The Cornhole Blog - -
YouTube Clip -
Posted by: Official Cornhole at June 26, 2008 04:45 PMAbsolutely hilarious! It's nice to know that someone else runs into the same types of things that I do when building things for the first time! Thanks for the valuable info. I will be building a set soon. Oh yes, I will definitely be purchasing the bags(ha ha)! Thanks again
Posted by: Nathaniel Ferrell at June 29, 2008 06:17 PMA comment about the feed corn. If you are also interested in nature and there is a lake around you with ducks or geese, etc. Or you like to feed the deer. It is just as cheap or cheaper to buy a large bag of feed corn, make your bags and feed the rest to nature. I found that out when I was looking for feed corn for my grandkids to feed the ducks at our local lake. The small bag actually cost more.
Or, make a set of replacement bags at the same time and put them away to use as needed.
You should be able to find feed corn in a smaller quanity at Wal-Mart etc as squirrel feed, near bird feed.
Posted by: Monette from Tn at August 9, 2008 07:50 AMI found a shortcut for making the bean bags. I cut my bags 7" x 13". Fold the material and, starting at the fold, sew a 1/2" seam on three sides making sure to leave a 3" gap to turn inside out and to fill w/corn. After turning inside out and filling w/corn, fold the raw edges in and sew the hole closed. This way there are no bulky seams that won't fit under the presser foot of your machine.
Posted by: Cindy at September 18, 2008 12:03 PMDo you know how much corn to put in the duck cloth 6x6 in. bags? Should I weigh them or measure the corn in a measuring cup?
Posted by: Jan at October 23, 2008 10:52 PMI am starting to build my second corn hole game. I built one last year and everyone loves it. Thanks for the great information! Off to play!
Posted by: Jerry Catt at December 3, 2008 03:42 PMI had the brilliant idea of making a corn hole game for my son's first birthday party - for the adults to entertain themselves while throwing back some beers. After I found your site, I told my husband that I wanted his help with the "big man tools" that I had never used! He got so into the building of it, he took over. He had a blast and I have to say that I really enjoyed the painting part! The boards turned out great and they were a HUGE hit at the party. We now have several people who want them for Christmas!! Thank you so much for your easy to follow instructions!
Oh yeah...GO IRISH!! :0)
Posted by: Christine H. at May 8, 2009 07:15 PMWhere did you find the logo
Posted by: Amber at July 9, 2009 05:53 PMNone of the instruction's tell how far top & side large hole is
Posted by: burtjenks at August 17, 2009 11:10 AMJust go to for all the info you will ever need for building cornhole boards.
Posted by: Mike K at August 19, 2009 12:45 AMI've seen that gridiron paint job on some boards. Should've asked how they came by it...maybe next home game. Any ideas?
Posted by: Tim at September 6, 2009 12:22 PMHey, do you sell these boards?? I am looking for a set for about 40 bucks and i have absolutely NO time to make them myself. I am trying to get a set for my boyfriends birthday...i wanted to customize the boards with one of the covers of his favorite bands album (Dave matthews) and am still trying to figure that out....if you could get back to me, I would really apprecaite it! thanks!
Posted by: sheema S at October 16, 2009 01:55 PMI seriously doubt you will find a set for $40. The materials add up to around $30 a set (boards only) unpainted. Custom paint would be more expensive. I sell ready to paint quality made boards for $75. This is the cheapest anywhere in my area.
Posted by: Robj92 at November 4, 2009 08:49 PMThis is an great sight thx for the advice, im going to make two of these for my eagle project at the YMCA for the kids to play. this game sounds so fun i might just make one for my house and play it here at home.
Posted by: james p at March 30, 2010 03:59 PMI've been blown away by this Deer Antler Spray. It's absolutely incredible!
Posted by: Deer Antler Spray at August 22, 2013 05:14 PM