June 25, 2006

One day I'll fry away

A quick shoutout to my good friend Matt, for giving me this awesome deep fryer as a thank-you gift for bailing him out of jail again (good luck with those counterfeiting charges, man!).

Now that's a Fry Daddy!

It should make all my frying adventures a piece of cake. Mmmm... fried cake....

This man knows how to give gifts. He's taken three of the top five spots on my "Best Gifts I've ever received" (You all should consider that a challenge)

1."I'm just here for More Food" cookbookMatt
2.Gift of LifeParents
3.Deep FryerMatt
4.Change Counting machineAmy
5.Cast Iron cornbread panMatt
6.Wedded blissAmy
5,432Smack on the ear, for putting our marriage 6thAmy
Posted by Kevin at June 25, 2006 10:37 PM

I can't believe that I beat the "gift of life."

Posted by: bizz at June 24, 2006 05:16 PM

Since Kevin apparently doesn't appreciate my gifts, Matt has to do my shopping. His birthday is April 10th and I often do the combo gift (for Amy) at Christmas time. So Matt, get shopping and send me a bill. Since it's coming from you, a gift receipt won't be necessary.

Posted by: B at June 28, 2006 01:44 PM

#2 after a cookbook????


Posted by: d at June 28, 2006 07:23 PM

#2 after a cookbook????


Posted by: m at June 28, 2006 07:24 PM
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