August 08, 2005

Daily Grind

I think my Stand Mixer is psychic. While mixing up some cookie dough the other day, the attachment cover popped out of it for no apparent reason. I had no way of knowing, but at that moment, my free meat grinder attachment was making it's way through the postal system, and the mixer was simply preparing for it. The grinder arrived on our doorstep only two days later, after a grueling 6-8 weeks for delivery. So either the mixer is psychic, or it's somehow receiving messages from KitchenAid headquarters. (And to think people scoffed when I got the mixer with an Internet connection).

Amy emailed me at work to let me know it arrived, so on the way home that night I stopped home and picked up some cheap steaks, so the six-year-old inside me could play with his new toy A.S.A.P.

Christmas in August
This was waiting when I got home

I tell you, there's nothing better than a freshly ground burger. Amy, not a big beef fan to begin with, didn't really notice any difference, although she did enjoy it. I will admit that the difference may be in my head -- not to mention that it's a bit creepy to insert beef, and see it come out the holes like a grown-up playdough factory -- but I think it's worth it the effort.

So if you need anything ground, I'm your man.

Posted by Kevin at August 8, 2005 02:14 PM
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